A tribute to the eclectic mind

I’ve been considering a blog for a long time. I’ve started, stopped, re-started, wondered about my audience, stopped, moved to new projects, re-started… it’s an unending loop of tragic incapacity to stick to a regular writing routine.

I hope this blog is different.

Instead of the usual focus on one particular part of life, I intend, rather, to break from the perceived mould of person-as-occupation and take a more holistic approach. This is, fundamentally, because I am more than what I do. I am a product of multiple streams of interest, philosophy, necessity and response, all interacting in surprising ways. The ways that I, or anyone else, approach their profession is a product of the ways in which they conduct their personal interests, family lives, thought processes and political affiliations (inter alia), and I don’t think you can divorce this from such discussions. So, while this can, in some ways, be seen as a professional blog, it is not only that.  I intend to discuss politics and values, ideas and experiences, both within and outside the teaching profession.

In order to do that, I may choose to engage with topics well beyond just the practice of a teacher in early 21st century South Australia. I might tie them back in to a professional theme, but then, I might not. Sometimes you might only get a word, or a picture. In any respect, I hope it will make you think. If not, well, at least it made me think, and in the eternal echo chamber of the blogosphere, maybe that’s all that matters…?



One thought on “A tribute to the eclectic mind

  1. Yay, welcome to the Blogverse (again?) I’ve been finding writing a blog post for myself incredibly useful as a reflection tool to develop my practice. The fact that other people may see it is as small bonus. Looking forward to your holistic approach! 🙂


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